Heya. Welcome to the site of Darren Krape, an all-round web geek, relentless traveler, and husband to my wonderful wife Daniela.
Suffice to say, I am a professional new media specialist, web designer and developer in Berlin, Germany. Right now I am a Sr. UX Designer at Amazon. Prior to that, I managed HTC’s global social media channels, was a social media strategist at the United States Department of State, and managed a network of websites at the World Bank. See my work for more.
I have a BFA from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia PA and graduated with a Master’s from Georgetown University’s Communication, Culture and Technology program.
Is there a transcript/slideshow available from your talk to George Washington University class called “Cyber-diplomacy and the New Technology”?
Hi Darren,
You may not remember me, but I worked as the admin. assist in the Writing office for Jeff Ryder at UArts when you were a freshman. I’m more than impressed by what you’re doing now. I received an email from the UArts alumni and saw a blurb on you and my jaw dropped. Congratulations on all of your success–past, present and future. Knock em dead!!!
Thanks Marsha!
Hi Darren,do you remember me?I am student of English School,we met in National Museum(Elephant Museum),i give you information about object there.,that is ceremonial bad,.You know,when I told about that,i felt nervous.
Hello Divif! Yes, of course I remember you. No reason to be nervous, you did a great job explaining the exhibit. Best of luck with your studies.
hi, darren Are You got news should reply yes know what you email
I want to add on facebook
This email me wisnufery@yahoo.com
Hi. Reading you article about the Westbank made me think about the possibility of asking You a few questions about social media in Palestine. I am working with NGO who are considering a programme in Palestine. If you’re interested, please send me your email-adress. Thank you!
i wonder where i rank? I have to be near the top.
Your list left out a few notables who are NOT in this loop, names like: Anne Tran, myself, and SocialInDC. 200k followers in Ann’s case, 100k, and 4k. Not to mention their influence. SocialInDC is followed by all the news channels, anchor people, Governmental Agencies, and lot’s of local establishments. There are other notables left out, like TBD just to name another. Also, when you list someone like Corbett, who doesn’t follow back, what does that say about INTERACTION? Interaction is key to social media. It matters little if someone can throw a meet up or event together.. if there is no follow up, the time, money and effort are not well spent. Follow up is interaction. So when a Twitter profile doesn’t follow back, that immediate tells the audience that it is a one way street, and little interaction. It may also suggest that the interaction is limited to a few people.
Doing research or analytics on social media has to be more than a popularity contest, or simply about people within your immediate knowledge. There are many people in the greater metropolitan area that could gather 1,000 businesses together, and marshal their resources in an effort or cause, and completely outrank any of the people on your list with only a week’s notice. That is influence. That is power. That is networking.
Lonny Dunn Editor/Author Tweets at @ProNetworkBuild